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MS Ro Fjell built at Aas Mek. Is owned and operated by Rostein AS. AquaScan manufacture and sell electronic measuring equipment used for counting fish being transported in pipes. We have a wide range of counters ready to meet the demands from the smallest fish farms to the largest well-boats and processing plants.
Looking for a quality constructor for your next project? Of micro diets for juvenile and larval fishes. For hatcheries, pre-growing and ongrowing. Built in our shipyard with over 35 years of experience. Individual feeder with petrol engine easy to transport. Why a Feeding System? FCR Optimization, Feed saving, Labor saving, faster growth, feed and fish traceability, less pollution, improved fish welfare, amortization in less than 3 years.
47 55 15 37 98. Welcome to Frydenbà Marine Equipment. Frydenbà Marine Equipment are extending the long Frydenbà tradition as a supplier to the marine marketplace. Frydenbà Marine Equipment will also take part in sourcing equipment for our partners world wide.
Sales, Service and Engineering of Heavy Marine Deck,. Freefall, Totally Enclosed and Partially Enclosed Lifeboats,. Rescueboats and Aluminum Accommodation Ladder and. Complete Davit and Winch Systems for Lifeboats,. Rescue Boats and Life Rafts. Blocks, Capstans and Winches. Oil Spill Containment and Recovery Products.
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Founded in October 2006, with the blessing of Almighty Allah, a team of trio with vast knowledge and experience in the field. This company was established with a total dedication for the marine industry. Marine Equipments as a company name is a great symbol and a definition of our market, products and customers. Business Will be Closed on 23-24 December 2015.